SMEs & Mid-Caps, Energy Efficiency / Environmental Loan

Ukreximbank and EIB signed a loan agreement in the amount of EUR100 million to be directed to SME projects as well as energy efficiency and environmental projects.

In accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan agreement Ukreximbank will provide subloans to final borrowers to finance investment projects with maximum exposure of up to EUR25 million per a borrower and maturity of up to 10 years.

The EIB funds will be channeled for development of local private sector, social and economic infrastructure, including transportation, energy and environmental infrastructure, IT and communication technologies, as well as mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. The projects eligible for financing under the program include renewable power (solar, wind, biomass, small hydro plants) and environmental projects, projects of high efficiency heat and power cogeneration, energy transportation, modernization of heating, water supply and sewage systems.


DCFTA Support Facility

In December 2016, Ukreximbank signed with the EIB a EUR 260 million Finance Contract, aimed at support of the private sector within the framework of EU-Ukraine Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement (DCFTA).

In accordance with the Contract, the long term loan funds are provided to finance the development of small and medium sized businesses in Ukraine, to strengthen the potential of Ukrainian entities involved in the international trade, energy efficiency, environment protection and other top-priority projects implementation.


APEX Loan for SMEs and Mid-caps project

Ukreximbank acts as an Agent of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine for the implementation of the APEX Loan for SMEs and Mid-Caps Project under the Finance Contract signed between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank. The project aims at support of the private sector of the economy development (SMEs and Mid-Caps projects, social and economic infrastructure, including energy efficiency and environmental projects). Financing will be provided through intermediaries – pre-selected Ukrainian banks.