The iFOBS system allows customers to manage bank accounts and sign any documents with the Bank via internet using a personal computer and standard software.
The electronic document, signed with e-signature and sent via iFOBS, in accordance with the terms of the Online banking agreement has full legal force under Ukrainian legislation.
The system allows to create and exchange any electronic document with the bank using e-signature key issued by the Bank:
Other features for the customer:
The iFOBS system implements two options for organizing client’s workplace: client can use the program Win32-client or web client.
The iFOBS system belongs to the class of secure electronic document flow systems working via internet.
The exchange of electronic documents takes place directly between the bank and the client.
Data encryption - to ensure the confidentiality of transmitted information. All electronic documents are transmitted in encrypted form. Data encryption is performed on session keys.
Electronic digital signature (EDS) mechanism - to ensure the authenticity (proof of authorship) and integrity of the document in the iFOBS system. Electronic document with EDS is the evidence base in resolving a conflict situation if any. The system implements EDS algorithms - RSA key and ISO2 hash function.
International Business Team
+38044 2478975
+38044 2473885
[email protected]