Trade Facilitation Programme

Willing to broaden the possibilities to finance the customers’ external activity, Joint Stock Company the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine (the JSC Ukreximbank) and The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the EBRD) signed sets of documents on the JSC Ukreximbank participation in the EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP).

The documents signed currently include:

  • Revolving Credit Agreement (RCA), upon which the EBRD makes available to the JSC Ukreximbank a revolving loan facility for further financing of export-import transactions of its customers. Financing may be channeled to pre-export, post-import and re-financing of factoring.
  • Issuing Bank Agreement, upon which the JSC Ukreximbank acts as an issuing bank of trade finance instruments against guarantees by the EBRD.
  • Letter of Agreement with the JSC Ukreximbank as Confirming Bank, upon which the JSC Ukreximbank participates in the TFP by confirming trade finance instruments, issued by selected third banks, against guarantees by the EBRD.


Reference: The EBRD’s Trade Facilitation Programme promotes foreign trade with Eastern Europe and the CIS region. Through the programme, the EBRD provides guarantees to international confirming banks. The programme can guarantee any genuine trade transaction associated with exports from, or imports to, the EBRD’s countries of operations. More than 100 issuing banks in the region participate in the programme together with over 800 confirming banks globally.

More information available on http://www.ebrd.com/apply/trade/index.htm


Ukraine Energy Efficiency Programme

In April 2007, the Bank and the EBRD signed a loan agreement on Ukraine Energy Efficiency Programme (UKEEP) in the amount of USD 50 million to finance investment projects of private Ukrainian companies aimed at decreasing energy intensity and introducing modern technologies to improve their competitive positions.

The following types of sub-projects are eligible for financing within the Programme:

  • industrial energy efficiency projects that facilitate reduction of energy intensity, including consumption reduction of natural gas, electricity, fuel, etc.; and
  • renewable energy projects (e.g. using hydropower, windpower, solar energy, biomass and geothermal energy, etc.).


Under UKEEP, considerable attention is paid to environmental protection.

Following successful implementation of the Programme, in December 2008 the EBRD extended the loan facility to Ukreximbank by additional USD 50 million, designated for sustainable energy sub-projects of private Ukrainian companies. Furthermore, in February 2012 Ukreximbank and the EBRD signed a Loan Agreement to focus on further strengthening of joint support of sustainable energy projects of the Ukrainian private entities in SME sector.


Mutual with the EBRD Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Financing Programme

On the basis of multi-year successful cooperation, on December 10Th 2018, Joint Stock Company The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development launched the Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Financing Programme (Programme). The Programme is aimed at supporting the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Ukraine and is backed by funding by the European Union under the EU4Business Initiative.

Under the Programme Ukreximbank will provide medium- and long-term financing in the national currency towards Ukrainian small business investment projects, with the particular accent on strengthening of the economic association with the EU.

The Programme also includes the availability of qualified technical support by the European consulting and engineering companies and the possibility for sub-borrowers under the Programme to obtain investment grants from the European Union.


This document was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union