Agency Services for the Government

Since 1992 the JSC Ukreximbank has acted as Financial Agent of the Ukrainian Government. This status was defined in an Agency Agreement of September 19, 1996.

The Bank’s Agency Services for the Government embrace:

  • Analysis and assessment of loan proposals
  • Elaboration of interbank draft loan agreements, negotiations on its financial terms, signing of international loan agreements on behalf of the Government of Ukraine
  • Examination of compliance of projects proposed for financing to the Bank’s strict regulations
  • Signing of loan agreements with Ukrainian borrowers aimed at financing projects approved out of the funds obtained under the State guarantees
  • Monitoring of loans and servicing of collateral
  • Scheduling payments and supervision of its execution
  • Documentation of the credit process
  • Review of current financial statements on international loans
  • Preparation of analytical reports and financial reviews for the Government of Ukraine


150 loans under 13 credit lines and 2 loan programmes were arranged by the Bank as Financial Agent of the Government to stimulate economic development and finance structural economic reforms in participation with:

  • Consortium of banks AKA (Ausfuhrkredit-Gesellschaft)
  • KfW (Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau), Germany
  • USExim (Export-Import Bank of the United States)
  • AFB-Export(Association of French banks)
  • Group of Italian credit institutions headed by Efibanka SpA
  • JBIC (Japanese Bank for International Cooperation)
  • Bank UBS, Switzerland
  • UniCredit Bank, Austria
  • Banco Sabadell, Spain


In addition to Financial Agency Services, as a state-owned entity with acknowledged international reputation and wide foreign activity the Bank is a member of almost all bilateral inter-governmental commissions for economic and trade cooperation.