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Ukreximbank received USD Payments STP Excellence Award from Citi

Citibank (New York, USA) awarded Ukreximbank with Y2018 US Dollar Payments Straight Through Processing Excellence Award. Ukreximbank Commercial Payments STP Rate through the accounts with Citi exceeded 95% and Treasury Payments STP Rate exceeded 97%.

For 19 years Citibank partners Ukreximbank in USD settlements. In witness of effective and successful partnership, Citi regularly awards the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine for the exceptional quality of cross-border payments’ automated processing.

“Ukreximbank is one of the most reliable partners, and during all these years of fruitful cooperation the state bank has been developing and improving its capabilities in cross-border settlements on an on-going basis. Citibank highly values partnership with Ukreximbank and is keen to expand it”, - Citi Senior Correspondent Banker Sergey Li said at the award ceremony.