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Ukreximbank and NEFCO have successfully implemented a facility for green projects

16 / 07 / 2020

JSC Ukreximbank and Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) have successfully implemented a programme aimed at supporting implementation of energy efficiency projects and the use of renewable energy sources in Ukraine.

The implementation of a joint facility by Ukreximbank and NEFCO, as well as other programmes in partnerships with other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) active in Ukraine, has enabled Ukreximbank to allocate more than EUR 65 million for long-term financial support for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to Ukrainian enterprises.

“Although this is our first joint facility with NEFCO, its rapid implementation, despite the ongoing pandemic and current restrictions, indicates a significant demand for long-term green credit resources. Ukreximbank is aimed to continue to support Ukrainian energy efficiency, using highly qualified staff and available experience in implementation of joint programmes with IFIs aimed at financing sustainable energy and implementation of energy-efficiency measures. We hope to continue our fruitful cooperation with NEFCO in the framework of possible new programmes in the future” said Ievgen Metsger, Chairman of the Management Board of Ukreximbank.

“We are very pleased to cooperate with Ukreximbank, which has a strong track record in green financing in Ukraine, and to finance a joint facility supporting the implementation of renewable energy and energy projects across the country. Furthermore, it is positive to see the high demand of green financing and that the facility has been fully allocated to projects supporting the green transition in Ukraine”, commented Thor Thorsteinsson, Vice President, Financial Institutions Programmes at NEFCO.

Ukreximbank and NEFCO signed a loan agreement in March 2020, for a new green facility aimed at supporting the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Ukraine.


About Ukreximbank

JSC Ukreximbank was founded in 1992 and is a fully state-owned bank. Ukreximbank has 22 branches and 38 sub-branches across Ukraine and 3,550 employees. Ukreximbank serves 37,000 corporate clients and 700,000 private customers. Along with promoting the development of Ukraine's economy, one of Ukreximbank's main missions is to implement energy efficiency programmes. More information is available at:


Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) is an international financial institution (IFI) established in 1990 by the five Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, with the aim of having a positive impact on the climate and environment in a cost-efficient way. By focusing on small and medium-sized projects with tangible results, NEFCO provides high additionality to governments, co-financiers and customers.

Over the years, NEFCO has financed more than 1400 private and public sector projects across different sectors in 80 countries, with strong focus on Eastern Europe, the Baltic Sea, and the Arctic and Barents Regions. NEFCO’s headquarters is located in Helsinki, Finland. Read more at