Online Bank
UA version

The latest update on the operations of UkrEximBank during martial law time (being constantly updated)

the state of Ukraine’s financial system:

  • The financial system of Ukraine is fully operational. The surplus of planned budget revenues in February 2022 is UAH 24 billion.

international support of UkrEximBank:

  • The Bank continues ongoing communications with its international partners. Our partners stand united in their support for Ukraine against the unjustified and outrageous Russia’s war against the people of Ukraine.

support of the Ukrainian army:

  • Ukreximbank has opened accounts where you can transfer funds to help the Ukrainian army, law enforcement agencies, public agencies, and defence companies, which are doing their best to protect the Ukrainian state and the citizens of Ukraine these days.
  • Support the Ukrainian Army option is available in Payments and Transfers section of UkrEximBank mobile app Enter EXIM. Users can make one-time or regular donations via the app. As of 3 March 2022, UkrEximBank clients donated UAH 1,591,421.00 via Enter EXIM app.

ensuring uninterrupted operations of UkrEximBank:

  • UkrEximBank has an approved and tested Business Continuity Plan which was put into action in order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the Bank and client service.

supporting clients during martial law time:

  • Since 1 March 2022 state-owned UkrEximBank will not charge commission on depository and brokerage services relating to operations with local and international sovereign bonds as well as other sovereign securities.
  • UkrEximBank ruled to prolong the terms of payment for depository services up to the 10th banking day after the discontinuation of the martial law time in Ukraine.
  • UkrEximBank provides repayment holidays on the current financial liabilities for legal entities until 30 June 2022; and for individuals on individual credit cards for a three-month term.

operations of the Bank’s regional offices:

  • UkrEximBank continues operations in line with the Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine 18 dated 24 February 2022 ‘On the operations of the Banking System during the martial law time’. Client service is provided remotely and in the Bank’s regional offices taking into account the local security considerations.


The addresses of the regional offices and their working hours are available on the Bank’s website. The information is constantly updated.